Welcome to the Statewide Mutual website (“the Website”), owned and operated by insurance broker Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd ABN 69 009 098 864 (JLT).

By using or visiting this website, you expressly agree to be bound by and comply with these Terms & Conditions and all applicable laws and regulations. In addition to these Terms & Conditions, other terms of use or conditions may apply to your use of this Website, parts thereof, or to products and services offered via this Website. You will be bound by these additional terms, as applicable.

JLT reserves the right to change these Terms & Conditions at any time, effective immediately upon posting on this Website. Please check this page of the Website periodically. Your continued use of the Website following any changes to these Terms & Conditions will be deemed acceptance of those changes.

JLT reserves the right to take appropriate legal action against you, if you breach these Terms & Conditions.

Use of Materials

Personal Use:
JLT authorises you to print, copy, re-produce and download materials on the Site, subject to the material not being modified in any manner.

Where you download material from this website, the material, including any files, and/or images, and data will be licensed to you by JLT. You are expressly prohibited from selling, distributing, compiling, modifying, reverse engineering or otherwise dealing with the downloaded material in such a manner.

Commercial Use:
Printing, copying, downloading, reproduction or distribution of material from the website for commercial use of any kind is expressly prohibited without JLT’s prior written consent.

Information on the Website

This Website has been prepared from information believed to be accurate and reliable at the time it was sourced. JLT will use reasonable efforts to update the website on a regular basis, however JLT makes no representation and gives no warranty as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of any information at the website. You agree that your use of the information and/or services are entirely at your own risk.

Information collected in your interaction with us online

The information that we collect from you when you interact with us online depends on the tasks you undertake on this website.

Browsing this website

When you visit and browse this website, we collect general information to allow us to evaluate and improve the performance of this website which includes:


The number of users visiting this website and the number of pages viewed


The date and time of visits


The path taken through this website

How information is collected

Information that is not capable of identifying you, such as the number of users visiting this website, is collected by information sent to our server in HTTP headers which may be suppressed or modified by you. We also use cookies for authentication and session management. Cookies are sent back and forth between you and our servers and can originate either from you or from our server. You will need to accept cookies in order to use some functionality on this website.

How we use information collected online – Selling or distribution of information

We do not sell, trade, lease or rent any personally identifiable information we obtain using this website.

Data transmitted over the Internet

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Accordingly, although JLT strives to protect such information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we take reasonable steps to preserve the security of the information in our own systems.


We will retain the content of any e-mail that you send us, if we believe that we have a legal requirement to do so. Your e-mail message content may be monitored by our employees for security issues including where e-mail abuse is suspected; our response to you may be monitored for quality assurance issues.

Links to Third Party Websites

We may include links to external sites that we consider contain information relevant to the information that you were seeking with us. Where these links occur, we accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the content of those sites or your reliance on any information contained within any such site. These third party websites are not subject to this Online Privacy Statement. We recommend that you read their privacy and security statements to understand how they deal with your personal information online.


Every effort has been made to ensure that information on this Website is free from error, however JLT does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of material on this Website. All information is subject to change without notice. JLT does not guarantee that this Website or Linked Sites will be free from any virus, or that access to this Website or any Linked Sites will be uninterrupted.

JLT may at any time withdraw the Statewide Mutual Website and without notice to you.

Limitation of Liability

Subject to any responsibilities implied by law and which cannot be excluded, JLT, and its directors, employees, agents and contractors, are not liable to you for any loss, damage, liability, claim and expense (including but not limited to legal costs and defence or settlement costs) whatsoever, whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising out of or referable to material on this Website, to Linked Sites, Third Party material, third party services, or to access of the Statewide Mutual Website by you, howsoever caused, whether in contract, tort, including negligence, statute or otherwise.


At all times you shall indemnify JLT in respect of any liability incurred by JLT for any loss or damage, however caused, suffered by JLT as a result of your breach of any of the Statewide Mutual Website Terms & Conditions, or your use of the Statewide Mutual Website.

General Advice

Any advice on this Website is general. Please contact JLT to decide whether membership suits your needs. JLT is also happy to provide you with further information if required.

JLT recommends that you seek independent legal advice prior to acting upon material contained on this Website or any Linked Site.


Copyright in the material on this Website is at all times owned or licensed by JLT.

Except where necessary for and incidental to viewing the material on this website, or as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), or other relevant laws, no material on Statewide Mutual Website may be reproduced, stored in an electronic or other retrieval system, adapted, uploaded to a third party location, framed, performed in public or transmitted in any form whatsoever by any method whatsoever without the prior written consent of JLT.


Your access to this Website may be terminated by JLT at any time without any prior notice to you. Restrictions, licences granted to you, disclaimers and limitations of liability shall survive any such termination.


This agreement is construed according to and is governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia. 12

© Copyright 2024 JLT Risk Solutions Pty Ltd – ABN 69 009 098 864 AFS Licence No: 226827